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Having the right policies in place helps define who we are as an organization and the commitments we make. Our policies set the foundations and standards we require to protect, support, and enable success across the Group. Find out about what is important to us and how we go about our business with the right attitude and the right mindset.
Additional policies, including Information Security, Health & Safety, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Quality, Suppliers and more can be found on our website within the “Our Policy ” section.
This is our primary privacy notice in relation to our commitment to transparency about the personal data we process. It explains what information we collect, why we need it, how we use it to improve individuals experience or provide services, and most importantly, what control individuals have over that information, including individuals rights to access, update, or even delete it.
This is our primary privacy notice in relation to how Accordience collects, processes and controls personally identifiable information as part of your employment.
This privacy notice is applicable to you if you are applying for work with us, whether as an employee, worker or contractor. It tells you how and why your personal data will be used and for how long we will usually retain it.
In addition to the above Privacy Notices, some Accordience Group systems, applications, and processes may contain their own privacy notices, which provide additional details.
Inizio is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals whose personal information we collect, process, and control. We do so by ensuring that our businesses, employees, and those that work with us operate and act in accordance with relevant personal data laws and regulations.
We’re committed to conducting our business in an open, honest, and ethical manner. We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption.
We are committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of anyone whose personal information we collect, process, and control. Our staff, stakeholders, and suppliers worldwide act in accordance with relevant personal data laws and regulations.
We are committed to reducing carbon emissions from our direct operations and across our supply chain, with a goal of reaching net zero by 2040, through reduced energy consumption and sustainable procurement. We adhere to our parent company Inizio’s environmental policy.
We believe in protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of our employees and those we work with, and we strive to comply with all health and safety obligations and best practices worldwide.
Accordience strives to act in accordance with internationally recognised human rights standards. We work to guard against complicity with human rights violations and to uphold the human rights of our own.
Our clients, partners, employees, and other data subjects count on us to keep their data secure and maintain their privacy. We are committed to protecting our professional assets, our relationships, the personal data we control and process, and our reputation.
We believe confidential concerns should be raised, reporters protected, and best-practice investigations conducted. This is why we have specific policies and protocols to ensure all our staff and stakeholders can speak freely.
We take the behaviour and values of our suppliers as seriously as we take our own. That’s why we take every step to ensure those we work with, and buy from, share our values. We adhere to our parent company Inizio’s Suppliers policy.
We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business. Our Code of Ethics policy guides our employees and stakeholders in fostering integrity, transparency, and responsible conduct throughout our operations.
Accordience is fully committed to providing equal opportunities for all our colleagues, contractors, and job applicants, and to eliminating unlawful and unfair discrimination.
Accordience is continuously working to improve our own sustainability footprint. This report covers progress in our first year of operation.
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